
Showing posts from March, 2019

Week 11 - Image Editing

Since the beginning of time humans have communicated best through images so it’s obvious that humans like content with visuals. Marketing is all about providing visuals that are engaging and interesting. Most consumers prefer great visuals to get them to go buy a product or use a service. A good visual should compliment your material and support the points you’re trying to make. An image should not be used to just fill space, it has to be useful. A company should also try to use images that reflect their brand or can be connected to their brand in some way. If a consumer can also see another person using a product then they also might see themselves using that product too. Images that can relate to a consumer are always a key to get through to them. Images are powerful motivators that can encourage consumers to engage with your content. A company that knows how and which visuals help accomplish their goals will surely be successful. It means that they know what they’re doing and what w

Week 9 - Marketing Channels and Distribution

Multichannel marketing is the process of marketing to your customers in different forms whether it be in a newspaper, on Facebook, or in a YouTube video, etc. There are many channels a company can market to consumers but it has to be done correctly. Messaging of course has to relevant to people so it’s not always about which platform a company uses to reach out. The marketing campaign also needs to make sense and should not be disjointed. A company also has to know what channel of marketing is bringing the best results and maybe put a bit more into that channel than others to take advantage of it. The key to successful multi channel marketing is to pay attention to the customer’s value and how they interact with your brand. The next thing is to use existing marketing channels and use new ones when they emerge. It’s best to create a campaign that can work across many marketing channels. The customer experience across different marketing channels should be excellent so that you can

Week 8 - Product Planning and Management

Product planning and management is a central component of marketing because it’s a narrowing down process that could lead to success. Sometimes there could be a perceived gap in the market and consumers want a new product that can fulfill their needs. This is when product planning and management comes into the picture. The product needs to be desirable and be unique enough that it satisfies the consumer or else it will fail. If the product is feasible and can be created then the product planning and management phase can be put into high gear. The most important aspects of the product planning and management stage that I saw are as follows. Concept development is something I thought was important because a company can start getting feedback from consumers who can use a prototype of the product they are trying to sell. This can help a company figure out what the consumers want improved and what is missing in the product prototype. The second aspect I thought was important is the marketi

Week 7 - Marketing Example

Pokémon Go has created a huge buzz around the world.  Some of the ways I’d choose to market Pokémon Go are that I’d tap into the nostalgia that adults have towards Pokémon because most people I know played it as kids. I would try to get the old trading cards involved that people have buried with all their old stuff. Maybe figure out a way to allow people who have rare Pokémon trading cards to find those Pokémon in the game somehow. I would also try making videos on YouTube involving the Pokémon human characters like Ash and make it very interactive. I would try to have the game appeal to younger audiences so that adults who played it when they were younger and their children could play it together. Another idea I had was to make Pokémon unique to different countries and have a way where people would have to travel to capture that Pokémon. This approach might increase tourism to those countries so they will have an incentive to be involved in it. Pokémon would be more of an adventure l