Week 11 - Image Editing

Since the beginning of time humans have communicated best through images so it’s obvious that humans like content with visuals. Marketing is all about providing visuals that are engaging and interesting. Most consumers prefer great visuals to get them to go buy a product or use a service. A good visual should compliment your material and support the points you’re trying to make. An image should not be used to just fill space, it has to be useful. A company should also try to use images that reflect their brand or can be connected to their brand in some way. If a consumer can also see another person using a product then they also might see themselves using that product too. Images that can relate to a consumer are always a key to get through to them. Images are powerful motivators that can encourage consumers to engage with your content. A company that knows how and which visuals help accomplish their goals will surely be successful. It means that they know what they’re doing and what works for them.

I found an article talking about which images a company should used for their content. They should use infographics which present a visual story that help a company show their statistics and their data to support an opinion. A company should also use pictures that show real customers, personnel, or products. Customers like to see images like that because they feel connected to the content and your company. Lastly, a company should use videos to help them with marketing. Many people actually prefer videos instead of text because it helps bring the point across much easier. This is why there’s a saying that “an image is worth a thousand words”. A person can get so much more out of a picture and a video and in turn most companies today focus mostly on visuals and content that can instantly bring in customers. A company can have a great marketing strategy but the creativity in their content sets them apart from the pack. Marketing content is the key to success in business today.


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