Week 13 - Promotion/Advertising, Publicity

Promotion refers to any type of marketing communication used to inform or persuade target audiences of the relative merits of a product, service, brand or issue. It is a short term marketing strategy that is meant to increase sales through the use of customer incentives. It motivates consumers to buy your product or service immediately. Promotion is more focused on building sales in the short term than brand building. There are two types of promotion used: above the line promotion and below the line promotion. Above the line promotion is carried out using mass media like television, newspapers, or radio. Below the line promotion uses non media methods like direct mail, email, sales promotion, and public relations. Promotion is cost efficient for increasing sales for smaller businesses. Small businesses can easily organize several short term promotions resulting in immediate gains. Sometimes medium to large companies will use promotions as part of their large advertising campaigns. Promotion is useful to all companies in a different way depending on how they use it.

The options for promotion have grown in recent years with the Internet and social media being useful promotional tools for marketing managers. The Internet changed a great deal in promotion and customers are really trying to make better purchasing choices. The Internet can be used to help with promotion in many ways. A business can list itself on Google, Yahoo, and Bing and that allows them to promote their business in that way. Another way to promote your business can be through social media like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Social media has become a must for all businesses that want to be successful. A company can also start a blog and promote their business through that avenue. Many companies are now creating YouTube channels to create relevant media that people can see. Lastly, a company can SEO its company website so that it’s among the first results people see when searching on Google. The options for promotion on the Internet are endless but it does come with its challenges because many companies are trying to do it. Competition has reached new heights in the area of promotion and the Internet has been a blessing and a curse when it comes to that. Any company no matter how big or small can promote itself using the Internet which is completely free.

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