Week 9 - Marketing Channels and Distribution

Multichannel marketing is the process of marketing to your customers in different forms whether it be in a newspaper, on Facebook, or in a YouTube video, etc. There are many channels a company can market to consumers but it has to be done correctly. Messaging of course has to relevant to people so it’s not always about which platform a company uses to reach out. The marketing campaign also needs to make sense and should not be disjointed. A company also has to know what channel of marketing is bringing the best results and maybe put a bit more into that channel than others to take advantage of it. The key to successful multi channel marketing is to pay attention to the customer’s value and how they interact with your brand. The next thing is to use existing marketing channels and use new ones when they emerge. It’s best to create a campaign that can work across many marketing channels. The customer experience across different marketing channels should be excellent so that you can stand out from other companies. Multi channel marketing is complicated but it is the single biggest way to connect with customers. It can grow your business significantly if done well.

Marketing channels are important because they provide the company information about what their potential customers like and don’t like. It helps them understand if the message they’re sending through their channels is being received. Many people think that companies are just looking for exposure but that’s not necessarily always the case. The ideal market exposure should always be targeted because if a company goes above that then it can be too much and end up costing the company. Different marketing channels can give different results so it best for a company to track what each channel is bringing in and adjust accordingly. Each channel of marketing is unique and every customer might go about buying a product differently but the experience should always be the same and satisfy the customer. Marketing is always about the customer because if you’re not satisfying them then you’re not doing the job.


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