Week 7 - Marketing Example

Pokémon Go has created a huge buzz around the world. Some of the ways I’d choose to market Pokémon Go are that I’d tap into the nostalgia that adults have towards Pokémon because most people I know played it as kids. I would try to get the old trading cards involved that people have buried with all their old stuff. Maybe figure out a way to allow people who have rare Pokémon trading cards to find those Pokémon in the game somehow. I would also try making videos on YouTube involving the Pokémon human characters like Ash and make it very interactive. I would try to have the game appeal to younger audiences so that adults who played it when they were younger and their children could play it together. Another idea I had was to make Pokémon unique to different countries and have a way where people would have to travel to capture that Pokémon. This approach might increase tourism to those countries so they will have an incentive to be involved in it. Pokémon would be more of an adventure like the animated show where regular people could feel like they’re actually in the game. It would make people explore and learn about other countries along the way too. Maybe Pokémon Go could help connect people more than it already does. 

If I were to market another game like Fortnite I’d probably take a different approach because it hasn’t been around as long as Pokémon Go has. I don’t play Fortnite but I would if it had different types of game modes. Some people might not be as great at those games so maybe I’d have modes where players can work up to the mode where there are 100 people playing. I’d kinda try to make it a bit more serious than it is and focus more on gameplay and maybe try to have people pay for it so that it could be elevated. I’d also try provide incentive for celebrities and pro gamers to play with ordinary people more often and really make it more fun. If a person got a chance to play Fortnite with a celebrity then the game would grow even further. Lastly, I would try to make different maps and locations that people could play the game on. As of now I think Fortnite only has 1 map but I am not sure of that. I would try to make different types of settings where people could play. I really don’t know why Fortnite is so popular but they sure did something right.


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