
Showing posts from February, 2019

Week 6 - Consumer Behavior

Marketing isn’t all about just being creative and coming up with advertising campaigns. It is about knowing the consumer and what makes them tick. Sometimes that can be a tough thing because consumer behavior comes from the thoughts a consumer has somewhere deep within their minds. Sometimes a consumer might not even know why they bought something or the marketer might not be able to figure out why they did. The solution here is to possibly get into a conversation with potential customers. Make a survey and ask the potential customers questions to better understand what they want. If you can’t understand what questions to ask, a person can become a customer for a day and think about what they would want as a customer. Their thoughts might align with the customers they are trying to attract. A company can hold a focus group as well which I am sure they already do. They can just test advertisements and marketing tools on ordinary people and see how they react and write those reactions do

Week 5 - Marketing Environment

The marketing environment is the combination of internal and external factors that affect a company’s ability to establish a relationship with its customers. The internal forces are company specific and include owners, workers, machines, and materials. The external forces are divided into two categories. The first category called micro consists of factors engaged in producing, distributing, and promoting the offering. The second category called macro includes large societal forces which affect society as a whole. Every company has to deal with internal and external forces and the most successful company’s adjust and work with the situation they are presented with. The narrowing down process of marketing to develop a strategy has to take into account the marketing environment and how it’s shifting. The variables that affect the marketing environment can’t be controlled and should be looked at as uncontrollable variables. The marketing manager must take that into consideration while

Week 4 - Marketing Strategy

When a company develops a marketing strategy they need to ask three main questions about their potential customers. They need to ask what the customer needs, when and where they need it, and how they can help. Answering these questions can really help a company develop a successful marketing strategy. They also need to create buyer personas which are sort of like a representation of what their customers are like personally, what goals they have, and the challenges they have. If a company really understands the customers they have and where they are coming from, then creating a marketing strategy to target them becomes much easier. If you know how your potential customers think, then you can really be successful marketing towards them. It shows that a company cares and wants to provide exactly what a customer will need. Although, a buyer persona really needs to be thorough in order to be successful. Once a buyer persona is created and a company develops a marketing stra