Week 2 - Digital Marketing vs Traditional Marketing

The way companies market their products or services have changed over the years. The use of ads in newspapers, postcards, and mail have shifted to digital marketing with ads on social media, emails, and through more interactive and targeted ads. Even though some traditional marketing techniques have remained the same, companies are branching out. From reading the textbook, we can see companies are hiring marketing firms and they are creating marketing plans for the company or companies are devoting a whole department just for marketing. These marketing firms and the company’s marketing department also use consumer data and analytics to come up with a marketing plan to really enhance and bring consumers to their business. This is the new type of marketing being used today and it has come far from the traditional marketing used before.

In the video for week 2, we see Johnny use old fashioned marketing techniques in his brick and mortar store. His overhead was really high and his profit margin was very low. On the other hand, Joey had an online business which had very low overhead and a very high profit margin. The use of new digital marketing techniques like online marketing, SEO marketing, email marketing, advertising on websites, and pay per click ads helped Joey create a more profitable business that had a reach further than Johnny’s. Johnny finally realizes that traditional marketing can only get you so far and that newer marketing can help a business become more profitable and less expensive if it’s done correctly. The think local and act global approach can help many companies achieve their goals. Johnny replicated what Joey did and his business became profitable.

I found this article that says that inbound marketing and some of the strategies involved in it will have tremendous growth in 2019. Many companies will start to look in the direction of some of these strategies. Inbound marketing is a technique where a company creates its own content and attracts customers in that way. Companies will start to produce more of their own content to attract potential customers. Companies will keep using the content distribution channels in the graph above to attract customers especially in the area of video marketing. Another newer area will be in chatbot marketing where robots can hold conversations with customers. This is all in the area of marketing automation. Look for automation in the area of marketing to become a hot trend in 2019.

Link to article: https://www.risefuel.com/blog/internet-marketing-strategies-2019


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